Post 484: Welcome to Yensul Part Two

Title: Welcome To Yensul Part Two
Authors: TC Blane and Zanh Liis
Scene: During the Tour of Yensul IV's Capitol City, Elkinsnar
Time: Following Part One

"Just what is the role of women in your society, Attender Maffe?" Zanh inquired, unable to stop herself. "It seems that you value them as homemakers and mothers above all else?" She chose her words as carefully as she could, given her internal rage.

"Yes, it is the role of a woman to care for her husband and family, as well as the co-wives of her husband and their children as well." he replied. "It is a wonderful arrangement, our multi-faceted families. Allowing support for every woman and allowing our males to lead without the distraction of worrying about things on the home front."

TC was held speechless and could easily read his Captain's fuming, yet captive anger. “So the women rule the household then?” He asked digging for more information.

"No, on the contrary." Sarl elaborated proudly. "We have found that when the husband is the head of the house, the home functions properly. Women are too easily distracted with trivialities, their minds are not designed to weigh the outcome of heavy decisions. So, we are certain to lay down rules for every possible occurrence, and if a man's wife, or wives, are in doubt as to their role in any given situation they are free to refer to their husband for further information."

"I'm just curious," Zanh asked now, "Has your Proconsul sat down with you, ever, and actually read the articles of the Federation?"

"Yes, we have reviewed them as directed prior to submitting our application for admission into the Federation," Sarl turned his attention to Zanh now. *Leave it to a woman,* he thought, *to begin asking uncomfortable questions.* "Why do you ask?"

[[Perhaps we can return to this issue later, ]] Jariel, ever the diplomat, suggested seeking to diffuse the situation. [[I was told something about mining operations you have here, and ore you wish to trade with other Federation worlds. Perhaps you can elaborate on that?]]

Zanh translated the signs in sounds, and agreed.

"Yes, why don't you tell us what Yensul has to offer the Federation should you be granted membership."

TC marveled at Jariel’s talent as a ambassador. Talent which would surely be needed again before the end of the day.

TC nodded at a passing couple only to have the woman hide her gaze from him and the male shoot him a dirty look which TC promptly returned.

“We have very little information on your world and culture.” TC decided to put a flame to their host’s feet and to back up his Captain. “You’re peoples history notes a distinct pattern of isolationism. “I can understand why.” He mumbled to himself. “So why are you now coming to us?” Blane finished in a voice that hinted on accusation.

"We feel that we have so much to offer the Federation. We have become more enlightened and feel that we can share our knowledge and philosophies with other worlds and enrich their lives at this point in our history, just as they can enrich ours."

Zanh and Blane exchanged a look that said "Something is rotten on Yensul" and no words were needed for them to clearly understand each other at this point.

"Well, I thank you for the tour, it's been fun. But I'd really like to get down to the business of meeting your Proconsul now and escorting you back to the Independence for our official talks." Zanh said, bringing their tour to an abrupt and definite end.

"Of course." Sarl deigned to give in to her request because as much as it pained him, he needed her. He needed her recommendation to get them to the Federation Council and beyond. "If you'll just follow me, we will find him i! nside th e town center building, just ahead."


Proconsul Tegget rose from the enormous wooden desk in the garishly decorated conference room.

He, as Sarl before him, smiled far too widely and insincerely to put Zanh at ease.

"Welcome to. . ." his voice boomed, but again just as before with his assistant, as Zanh stepped forward and her gender registered in his mind, Tegget's tone dropped in level of enthusiasm like a lead zeppelin.

"Yensul." Blane finished for him flatly. He leaned toward Zanh and whispered, "Here we go again."

TC understood the need to try and understand other races' culture and customs. He also knew that it was not fair to expect a prospective member of the Federation to give up generations of ‘tradition’. Something about this particular culture really bothered him, he could not put him finger on it but he knew it was not the obvious things that bothered him most. It was something else.

“You and your buddies seem to have a hard time remembering the name of your own planet. Is this a common trait?”

His comment drew a stern glare from Jariel. TC answered with a “WHAT?” shrug. He was now the ‘bad cop’ to Jariel’s ‘good cop’.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what you mean, Lieutenant?" He noted the pips on Blane's collar.

"Apologies. Lt. TC Blane. This is Vedek Jariel our ship's chaplain and of course, our acting captain, Zanh Liis."

Liis moved forward and offered her hand, her eyes reduced to slits.

"Charmed, I'm sure." She spoke through gritted teeth, which also drew a look from Jariel.

"We were expecting Captain Gilmore." Tegget said simply, barely touching her hand in greeting.

"I'm sorry, Proconsul. But as I explained earlier to your Attenders, I am in command and I was sent by the Federation to conduct these talks. We are prepared to receive you aboard the Independence and I would like to depart at your earliest convenience."

Tegget smiled once more. "I am certain, that you have more important matters to attend to than these talks," he offered. "Surely, Lt. Blane, and Vedek Jariel can handle this matter and you need not concern yourself with it any further."

*Danger, Will Robinson!* TC thought. *You've done it now!*

Zanh's voice remained icy cool and she returned Tegget's smile with an equal dose of sincerity. "I appreciate your concern, Proconsul. But allow me to assure you that I am perfectly content to run the ship and conduct the talks at the same time. Shall we go?"

Tegget, Sarl and Maffe exchanged glances. Apparently, there was going to be no getting rid of the woman.

"Yes, thank you Captain Zanh. We are ready now."

"We will await you outside in the corridor and beam up as soon as you've gathered your things." Zanh led the charge out of the room, and as soon as the door closed, Jariel began signing furiously."I know, I know. I'm sorry. I did the best I could." She replied, not bothering to translate for Blane, who got the gist just by the look on Jariel's face. "I'll keep it together, don't worry."

She turned to Blane. "Your assessment of our new friends?"

TC sighed. “Setting aside my personal disdain for their matrimonial beliefs, I can see no outright issues, other then the fact they obviously do not care to deal with you.”

Zanh shook her head but knew her operations chief well enough to know there was more. “And beside the outright stuff?”

TC shook his head. “My gut tells me there is more to all of this. You don’t suddenly go from being a closed door community to swinging open your front door and inviting everyone in. They’ve been here for four centuries, at least. I am sure they’ve known about that mine before now.” He scratched his head in thought. "I think they are hiding something from us."

He shrugged his shoulders. “But I can’t prove that. Perhaps it is this setting and their beliefs that are bugging me.”

Jariel began to sign again and even though
Zanh did not start to translate TC got his meaning and held up his hand to stop the man's frantic gesturing.

“I know we can’t exclude them from membership based on cultural or religious beliefs. But where is the line drawn between a cultural belief and an outright violation of personal freedoms?”

He shook his head. "Maybe it's just what I have seen here today that bothers me. But somehow, I have a feeling that it is more than that.”


Lt. TC Blane
Chief of Operations
USS Independence NCC-90791


=/\= Zanh Liis
Acting Commanding Officer
USS Independence NCC -90791

Posts 201-565