Post 519: I Have An Idea

Stardate: 71023.2000
Title: I Have an Idea
Author: Commander Salvek
Scene: Yensul V
Time: Concurrent with Judgment Day posts

Salvek watched as the Yensuli craft left its position and climbed back towards the sky and out of site. Up until now he had been prepared for the worst, an armed conflict with the Yensuli.

He could only assume that Captain Zanh had somehow convinced the Yensuli to withdraw.

No doubt, he surmised, she did this by making it clear to the Yensuli that whatever happened to the Alchemy away team would be returned to the Yensuli threefold. Or perhaps she had been able to broker an agreement with them through simple diplomacy at the bargaining table.

Salvek calculated the odds of this outcome at 7050:1.

He waved down Maak, and told him to spread the word for everyone to gather whatever they intended to take with them and assemble for transport.

Nearby the shuttlecraft with Blane hovered adjacent to the cave where Reece and Grace were trapped. Salvek was sure that Blane would be able to retrieve them shortly. Tybelle Maffe made her way to his side, as Salvek holstered his phaser, and took out a tricorder.

"Did they leave?"

"Yes, it is over. Our ship will be sending help to take you and the others off this planet shortly."

"Thank you Commander Salvek, there is nothing left for me here." Maffe said, as her wary eyes took in the vast expanses of snow and ice, that were all she had ever known.

"Perhaps, may I show you something?" Salvek extended the tricorder towards her, and she leaned over to read the display. "This is the molecular signature of a substance called monocrystal cortenum. I am able to get clear readings since the field around this planet has been dropped. Suffice it to say, the substance is extremely rare and valuable, and highly sought after by the Federation."

"You are welcome to it." Maffe said.

"A generous offer, but, I have an idea I would like you to entertain."

"Go ahead, Commander."

"As leader of Yensul V, you are perfectly within your right to apply for membership to the Federation. You and all the others would be under the protection of the Federation, and you would be able to negotiate mining rights on this planet. The Federation, Klingons, Ferengi.... and many other species would all like the opportunity to mine your world, and as a Federation member we would be obliged to oversee the operation for you. In effect, you, and all the other females on this planet, would be rich. In addition," Salvek coughed uneasily. "There would likely be many... many... many males who come to work in the mines. Many."

"But the cold..."

"The Federation would likely terraform your world to help accommodate the mining operations. A simple release of greenhouse gases would increase the temperature of the planet to a temperate level in a matter of months. I would like to set up a meeting with the Captain on this as soon as possible."

Maffe stepped away from him, again looking over the vast expanses before her. She crossed her arms over her chest and sighed.
"Your world." The words swirled around her head.

This morning she was a refugee, suddenly she was the leader of an entire world. "I will speak with your Captain. But for now, let me sleep in warmth aboard your ship. Let me feel that first of all, before I even begin to try and process all this. But, Commander, I have no desire to be a galactic band of beggars, moving from planet to planet looking for a handout. If your Federation can bring warmth to this planet, and the mining is as lucrative as you say, it is definitely worth consideration."

Salvek tapped his badge, opening a channel to the ship.

"Captain, when will we be able to begin beaming up the inhabitants of the planet? There are small children here and we are running out of time."

[We have to adjust the transporters to compensate for the atmospheric anomalies surrounding the planet, Salvek. It should take.]

[We should have it done in a matter of minutes, Captain, if we work together.] Salvek heard Corbinsky answer.

[Stand by, Salvek. Assemble everyone and we'll begin as soon as we can. Anything else?]

"Yes, Captain. The leader of these people, Andara Maffe, is a courageous and capable person. You should speak with her at your earliest opportunity." As he spoke, Maffe nodded slowly

[I look forward to it. We'll also begin beaming down repair teams to work on the Alchemy.]

"I'd like to oversee the repairs."

[We'll discuss that after you're home. Zanh out.]

Commander Salvek
Acting First Officer
USS Independence NCC-90791

Posts 201-565