Post 508: Be Careful What You Wish For

Title: Be Careful What You Wish For
Author: Miss Fleur Le Marc
Scene: Seven, USS Independence
Time: Concurrent with Under the Bus

I should have known that I could not avoid seeing him forever.

It is ridiculous that I should want to avoid seeing him at all, I tell myself. Especially considering that I knew that he was on this ship before I accepted Patrick William London's offer to come here to begin with.

It is not that I do not wish to see him that makes it so difficult.

It is that seeing him again is all I have thought of for the past year and a half which makes it so.

His being here is the reason that I accepted London's offer, or as he phrased, it 'challenge' to begin with.

That challenge is for me to take on the duties of pastry chef and cafe manager on this enormous traveling city that is the ship called Independence.

Between managing the bar and the main restaurant it is part of, London just could not oversee this new undertaking himself. That was when he remembered that he owed me several favors, and called to make the offer to me. Even though I am so much younger than he is, London knows that I am a woman with business sense, and the ability to do this job and do it well.

His restaurant here is quite a success, and I must tip my hat to him. I understand it is quite popular with the officers especially and has on occasion, even hosted la Capitaine herself. That scourge of the universe called Zanh Liis.


I have absolutely no use for the woman. But that opinion, I will have to keep to myself. She has absolutely no appreciation for the gift that she has in that man- that man who is so in love with her that he nearly gave his life in order to know all that he believed he needed to know of her.

It was a long time ago now, how long is not important. But not so long that I will ever forget the way that it happened, when the man called Vedek Jariel Camen fell to the floor before my eyes, his body unable to process the effects of the Pagh'temfarr that the Prophets had bestowed upon him at his insistence. What happened to him is a direct example of consequences implied by the old saying "Be careful what you wish for- you might get it."

How I came to be on that space station and running the plaza bakery there, seems a lifetime ago and is not something that I care to recall, often. But I am recalling more of it than I imagined I would, seeing him now, as he just walked into the dining room and I peer through the small window from the kitchen, just staring.

It was on that space station that I met Jariel Camen.

I notice first that he has given up wearing his robe. I had thought he might, since his new position here as Ship's Chaplain did not demand it as dress code. Jariel is a simple, sweet man. He detests pretense and dramatic appearances just for the sake of making oneself seem important.

He is so much more important to the universe, just standing in a room and breathing the air in it, than most people are no matter what work they may undertake for the greater good of the beings in it. He does more good just by existing than others can do by trying with all their might.

He looks well to me, which is a relief. Better than he has since long before the dark day that nearly took him away from us all. I see that he is still speaking by use of his hands, and oh, how I will miss the sound of his voice greeting me in the afternoons, when he comes in to eat his lunch.

I know he will come here to eat his lunch- he has never been able to say no to a bowl of my soup and one of my baguettes.

This job is already proving much more of a challenge than I had expected. I have argued, for I swear, the last time with that infuriating, overdressed pest called Jeaq. One more time, he interferes in my kitchen and causes my soufflés to fall, and I will send him -how do you say- out of the nearest airlock.

I came aboard while the ship was still in orbit of Earth and have overseen the work in progress on the cafe, which is now nearly complete, such as it is. The space is mundane, the decor boring and sterile, especially compared to the places I have run in the past. But this is a starship, and sadly, space is limited. I will have to see what I can do with the tiny amount of space I have, over time. Seven AM, London insists that I call it. Again, I say to this pfffft.

I suppose that I am indebted to Mr. London (though he can forget about the idea of me ever calling him "Trick") and I am loathed to admit it. It is his negotiations with Starfleet and their Captain Zanh that has made it possible for me to be here.

Though, as yet the la Capitaine does not realize I am here, or she would have had a different opinion on London's idea of a special location for her to indulge her addiction to lattes. She has as much use for me, as I have for her, perhaps even less.

Still, here I am, and if Zanh Liis is not very careful, I will not only make myself comfortable on her ship, but I will also help myself to the most valuable thing in her life and steal him away from her. . .the very first chance that I get.

Mademoiselle Fleur LeMarc
Cafe Manager, Seven AM

Posts 201-565