Post 534: For Their Own Good Part One

Title: For Their Own Good, Part One
Author: =/\= Zanh Liis
Scene: Ready Room, USS Independence
Time: Concurrent with "Preparations"

"Captain's Log: Supplemental. Stardate 71031.13:

Starfleet has asked us to stay in the general vicinity of the Yensul system for a few more days, until the USS Vanguard can arrive and make absolutely certain that the fifth planet is protected.

So we've set up shop just outside the system, and remain here for the time being. Repairs are proceeding very quickly on the Alchemy, and it seems as though Salvek's initial estimate of time until readiness for war games may have been overly conservative. If they keep up at this pace, the ship should be ready to try again in about ten days, standard time.

I'm beginning to wonder what is in the replicators in Engineering these days, however, as two separate and disturbing reports have come in to me this morning about the recent behavior of both of my greenest Ensigns from that department. In light of these reports, I will have to see to it that each spends some time with either our ship's chaplain or with one of our doctors, whichever they prefer, for counseling.

They may not take well to the idea- but it is not merely a suggestion. Something is going on with both Dengar and Xhian, and in my opinion it has begun to interfere with the performance of their duties. If counseling doesn't help, I will have no choice but to temporarily relieve them of their posts until they can come to terms with their issues, whatever those may be.

In the meantime, I hate holding still. I hate waiting. I wish we were already on our way to our next assignment.

The morale of the crew took a pretty hard hit this past mission. The Yensul affair took a huge toll on all of us. We are part of a society that prizes equality- and as such, it's awfully hard for us to see that injustice still exists in corners of the quadrant, hidden from view of anyone who could help, in most cases.

I find myself thinking about the conversation I had with Temporal Investigations when this whole Xander Corbinsky situation began- how they told me that this ship, and this crew had arrived at this particular junction of time and space for a purpose. I have to believe now, looking back, that finding and aiding Andara Maffe and her people was that greater purpose.

I wish I could have spent more time with the Andara. I found her to be forthright, honorable, and courageous. Exactly the kind of leader that Yensul V needs.

She has a standing offer to take advantage of the hospitality aboard our ship any time- and we also have offered our services to her in future should she need our help-"

The door chime interrupted Zanh's thoughts, and she told the computer to pause her log. She saw a very pale and anxious looking Ensign Dengar standing in the doorway, and she waved him in.

"Rada, have a seat."

"Thank you, Sir, but I'd rather stand,"

"Sit down, Ensign, before you fall down." Zanh ordered, and Rada reluctantly complied. This meant that the conversation that was coming was going to last longer than he had hoped.

"I understand you lost quite a bit of blood, due to your 'accident'." Zanh remarked, reading the medical report that the EMH had forwarded to her as high-priority.

"Yes, Captain, but I am feeling much better after the synthetic transfusion." He unconsciously pulled the arms of his sleeves down, attempting to hide scars from her which existed only in his own tortured thoughts. She sighed and tossed the PADD aside.

"Rada, what is going on? You have not been yourself lately. You may think no one has noticed. I have."

"It's. . .complicated."

"I'm smart. I can handle complicated."

"Of course you are, Captain, I didn't mean to imply," Rada groaned, feeling dizzy suddenly. He ran his hands through his hair nervously and sighed. "My past has," he stopped. She waited a good long time for him to continue, but he offered nothing more.

"Perhaps your return to duty was premature," Zanh's brow furrowed. "Perhaps it would be better if you have some time to sort yourself out."

"May I speak freely, Captain?" Rada's voice held a hint of rising desperation, and Zanh nodded. "The last thing I need is more time on my hands to think. Working is the best thing for me right now."

"Very well." Zanh was skeptical. "But, I want you to talk with either the Vedek or Doctor McKenna on a daily basis, until they deem that you no longer require such discussions. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Sir."

"If there are any more 'accidents,' Ensign," Zanh warned, her tone reflecting her genuine concern for the young man, "you will be relieved of duty and confined to Sickbay for a full physical and psychiatric evaluation. Clear?"

"Yes, Sir." Rada found he was barely containing a new found rage welling within him. *How dare she,* he thought, *Of all the people on this ship who have a propensity for insanity, how dare she insinuate that I may be losing my mind?*

He had a graphic, momentary fantasy of jumping over the desk and wringing her neck until she lay in a lifeless heap on the floor. He began to tremble as he tried to dismiss the image. This was bad- and getting worse. Much, much worse.

"Unless there's anything else you want to tell me, you're dismissed." Feeling uneasy now, her hand instinctively and curiously moved to her neck. Somehow, the collar of her uniform felt too tight all of a sudden.

Rada then added one thing more- one thing that scared her as he rose to go. "Captain," he paused, "if there is ever a time, when you feel that I may pose a danger to the crew in any way,"

Alarms rang off in Zanh's head. Her eyes narrowed. The motion of her right hand distracted him, as she used it to fiddle with the chain on her earring, even as her left hand moved slowly toward the phaser at her hip. "Now, why in the world would you say something like that?"

"Nothing. Nevermind. I'm sorry, I'm not feeling well. I shouldn't have said anything."

"Well, you did, and that leaves me with a big problem." She rose and tapped her combadge, still holding the phaser. "Security to the ready room."

Dengar shot her a hateful glance- an expression that truly conveyed the meaning behind the old the phrase, 'if looks could kill.'

"Captain?" N'Dura burst into the room from the bridge, with two more officers behind her.

"Please escort Ensign Dengar to Sickbay. Secure the area around him, and post a guard on him until further notice." Zanh instructed sadly. "He is to remain there until he is fully cleared by the doctor and released by my order."

"Shall we go, Ensign?" N'Dura slowly approached. Rada thought of resisting, but knew that his revenge would be much more complete and satisfying at a later time, if he could just be patient.

"I can't believe you're doing this to me," he growled, as he was surrounded and relented. "You'll get yours, Zanh Liis. You're going to pay for this, for all of this!" *She was a threat to them,* Rada thought, *and as such, the day would come when he- they- had to do something that he did not want to do. Not at all.*

Zanh holstered her phaser and slumped back down into her chair. Vedek Jariel came in through the door just as security was leaving with Dengar in tow.

[[Are you all right, Captain? What happened?]]

"I'm not sure yet, Jariel," she began, "I'm hoping that," she paused as she saw a puzzled looking Ensign Xhian standing behind the Vedek.

"You sent for me, Captain?" Xhian asked, blinking calmly, his expression blank.

"Yes, I did. Come in, and have a seat. Vedek, join us, please?"

Xhian gulped. He didn't like where this was going, not at all.

=/\=Zanh Liis
Acting Commanding Officer
USS Independence NCC-90791

Posts 201-565