Post 489: The Honeymoon Has To Wait

Stardate: 71010.2030
Title: The Honeymoon Has to Wait
Author: Lt. Dabin Reece
Scene: The Surface of Yensul V
Time: Right after "Without Fanfare"

*I'm in your head, Reece. You can't hide anything, remember?*

*It's not just that you're in my head, February,* she heard him think to himself. "You're everywhere."


*Everywhere? Wow....* Bru thought back to him. *You don't mean that. Do you?*

*I've thought of little else since Trill. I didn't even realize you were finding your way into my heart, but there you were. I have to say too I'm thinking the length of the engagement was just right for me.*

*Oh really? One night was just about right?* Grace laughed out loud.

Reece gazed up at the sky as if in deep thought and spoke out loud now. "Yeah because, like, I was dating and/or engaged for many many years and for someone it was just never the right time. We went from 'real soon' to 'I just need a little more time' to 'I'll get around to it when I'm damn good and ready.' But then you came along, February Grace, and made all of her procrastinating worthwhile."

"Well I'm sorry she put you through all that, but I can't complain because her loss is my gain."

"So tell me, February Valentine Guinevere Grace-Reece, what am I going to do about a ring for you? I mean I could carve you one out of a chunk of ice but it would eventually melt and I'd hate for you to take that as some kind of a sign or something, so we aren't even going there."

"I'm not the kind of girl who wants something flashy, you know that Dabin. Something unique, with your influence. That's what I'd like. I'm sure Xhian can give you some pointers on jewelry. But what about you?"

"Me? Oh, I want the biggest chunk of ice in the galaxy, toots, and I'm not talking about this stuff." Dabin gestured at the snow and ice around them. "Real thing too, no replicators. I want something so absurdly ginormous I poke myself in the eye every time I take a sip of club soda."

February laughed, "You're lucky I know you're kidding."

"Who's kidding?" Dabin shot her a glance, his expression serious. February looked for a moment like she was worried she had offended him, then smirked.

"You are a horrible liar, Dabin."

"Simple is perfect. I prefer to let my actions show you my feelings, I don't need something expensive and large to do it for me. So, Xhian knows something of jewelry, eh? I'm going to have to get to know little blue better when we get out of this. I didn't have him pegged for anything like that."

February trudged through the snow a few moments, thinking to herself.

"Yeah, your quarters are bigger, so I guess I'm moving in there." Dabin replied to her thoughts. "Of course, its going to be rough giving up the old bachelor pad. Which I never even spent any time in anyway...."

Dabin laughed. "How long do you think we can keep this a secret? I bet you London has a reception planned within 2 hours of us beaming back up to the ship. And Zanh Liis is going to be ticked she didn't get the chance to personally perform the ceremony that removes me from the market. Personally I'm perfectly happy without all the fanfare."

"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it," she said *I love you Dabin.*

*I love you too. Any idea what you would like to do for a honeymoon?*

February and Dabin heard footsteps behind them, they turned to see Maffe and Biggs who ran past them, heading for Kellyn and Salvek. Biggs motioned as he ran by for them to follow.

*I guess the honeymoon planning has to wait, Bru.*

February and Dabin caught up to the others, as Maffe explained that another ship had just left the next group of abandoned females on the planet. Time was of the essence, to get to the new group before the cold overcame them. They quickened their pace as much as they could on the snow and ice, every hurried step sent a jab of pain through Dabin's still healing ribs, and February would wince as the thoughts of his pain went through her mind. "I'm sorry." He said, knowing she was upset that he was suffering.

"No, it's ok. Sickness and health Dabin. I just wish it was me and not you." Dabin knew she was serious, that not only did she want to be there for him when he was hurt, but that she would suffer the pain herself if she could take it from him.

"Now that is true love, February. But you know, I'm not giving you pain, ever in a million years."

They hiked for over an hour, before finally coming over the rise above the landing sight. Reece stomach turned as he saw the group of women below, cold and confused, not knowing where to go as hypothermia began to set in. Dabin heard a roar in the distance, as a small menacing looking ship passed over their location, dropping in the sky as is disappeared near the horizon.

"They are heading for your ship." Maffe said.

"That's not a transport ship is it?" Dabin asked.

Maffe just shook her head.

"Maybe the Independence contacted the Yensuli, and they are looking for us." February offered.

"They are looking for us indeed." said Salvek. "And when they realize we are not there, and we have been in contact with these people, I doubt their goal will be to rescue us. They will head for the caves when they find the Alchemy is empty, Andara Maffe. We must hurry and gather the new arrivals, and get to the caves as fast as we can."

*********Fifteen minutes earlier, aboard the Independence**********

"Captain, the Yensuli have launched a craft. Coming up from the planet now." N'Dura said.

"On screen." The view shifted to show the new ship. "Destination?"

"It appears to be on a course for one of the outer planets of the system, Yensul VIII."

"We've seen lots of ships moving about in the system, anything special about this one?" Captain Zanh asked.

"Heavily armed, by the Yensuli standards, Captain. Definitely military in nature." N'Dura stated. The ship moved quickly, becoming smaller and smaller as it moved away from Yensul IV.

"Hail them." N'Dura hailed the ship, which replied quickly.

[How may I help you Independence?] The face of a man with a sweet smile and perfect haircut appeared on the screen. His smile was just a little too big for Zanh's liking, as if he were eager to please her.

"We haven't seen any ships of your construction since arriving here. Is there anything the matter, or that we can assist you with?"

[Nothing at all, Captain. We are just on our way to patrol the outer portion of the system. Standard Yensuli procedure. I can send you our flight plan if you like.]

"No, that's quite all right. Sorry to bother you." N'Dura closed the channel. "He tried way too hard to be nice to me, especially considering I'm female."

"Indeed, shall I track that ship?"

"Go." Zanh said with an affirmative nod.

N'Dura watched as the ship held its course straight, then seemed to vanish from her scope. "I've lost them. They entered the gravity well of a large comet."

"Keep scanning."

N'Dura adjusted the tactical sensors, trying to compensate for the unusual gravimetric forces in the system. "I had them! For a moment... I've lost them again."

"Can you extrapolate their course from the few moments you saw them?" Zanh Liis rose from her chair, to join N'Dura at the tactical station.

"I believe so Captain. One moment." N'Dura entered the data, a schematic of the system appeared showing the ship and its course as a solid line. The computer then generated a dotted line as the anticipated course based on their trajectory. Zanh's jaw set in fury as their true destination became apparent. "It's one of the moons." N'Dura said through gritted teeth, as Zanh slammed her hand down on the tactical rail.

"That's the same moon Samson said was exhibiting greater gravitation pull then it should. What the hell is going on down there? Why can't we track them?"

"Its not the gravity Captain, the ship simply disappeared."

"Cloaked?" Zanh asked.

"Not exactly, more like the ship itself was enveloped by a larger cloaking field."

"Are you telling me that whole moon may be hidden by a cloaking device? Then what the hell am I looking at?" Zanh gestured at the screen.

"I don't know, we'll need to bring the ship closer for the sensors to do a more detailed analysis."

"And that will tip our hand to the Yensuli that we are on to them." Zanh returned to her chair.

"Shall I set a course for the moon Captain?" the Ensign at the helm asked.

Dabin Reece
Science Officer
USS Independence

Posts 201-565