Post 557) Take Your Stations Part One

Title: Take Your Stations Part One
Authors: Blane, Biggs and Salvek
Scene: Bridge, USS Independence
Time: Following Heads or Tails

TC strode out of the conference room and onto the bridge, moving quickly to the operations station where an ensign moved out of his way. He tapped the controls and pulled up the internal sensor logs.

Looking over the information displayed he shook his head. He began to access all of the operational logs of the time frame since the Blizzard arrived. Salvek and the rest of the command crew quickly took there positions around the bridge at the various stations and set to work. Salvek, with only a momentary pause, took the center seat.

TC noticed the Biggs family walk out of the conference room with their heads low, spirits crushed by the newest developments. Simon's brother, James stormed off, muttering something about how coming here had been a big mistake, and how he never should have trusted Vely to begin with. He disappeared into the turbolift, leaving Simon and his mother behind.

TC nodded to the ensign who had been monitoring the ops station.

"Work with tactical and go over every detail of the internal and external sensor logs. We need to find that ship's fingerprint." He ordered.

The ensign nodded but was not completely following why. "Aye sir."

TC elaborated. "Every ship has something that it leaves behind, ionized particles, latent neutrino fields, something." He clapped the man on his shoulder. "Find it."

He turned and walked over to Simon and his kin. "Lieutenant."

Simon looked up at TC. "Sir?"

"I want you and your mother to work with the operations officer and tactical. We need to know everything there is to know about your ship." He looked at Mrs. Biggs. "Even the smallest detail, no matter how insignificant, could be a big help in tracking the Blizzard."

"Sir, I don't know," Simon started.

TC frowned at the man. "That was NOT a request."

Slightly stunned, Simon looked at TC then nodded. "Aye." He turned and walked over to the operations station with his mother in tow.

TC understood that Simon and his mother were devastated at the loss of their ship and also the fact that Zanh had ordered that the Independence would not automatically become involved in their family's plight. TC also knew the more time that either of them had to think about it, the more those negative feelings would grow. They needed to be busy until the shock subsided, plus Simon was still a Starfleet officer and it was his duty to provide as much information as possible to the cause of finding the Independence's kidnapped captain. He made his way to stand by Salvek.

"Any suggestions, Commander?" He asked. Salvek lowered his voice to speak to TC.

"For one, I am not entirely comfortable, given what has just happened, letting Mrs. Biggs have free run of the bridge."

"We need her input on that ship if we are ever going to find the Captain."

"Agreed. Set up an interface for her to work from her quarters with tactical. She can input her data from there without having access to any other systems."

TC went to work setting up the link, as Salvek considered the diplomatic way of having Sheila Biggs put off the bridge. "Mrs. Biggs, this must be stressful for you. Might I suggest you carry on with helping us from your quarters, away from all the noise of the bridge?"

"I'm just fine here Commander, thank you for the offer." Sheila continued to work with the computer screen.

"I am sorry, madame, but I'm afraid there are a number of confidential matters that need to be discussed on the bridge, Starfleet ears only I'm afraid. Simon, please escort your mother to her quarters. We will set a link there so she can continue to coordinate with tactical. Then, Lieutenant Biggs, report to the ready room."

Simon looked at his mother in shock as Commander Salvek ordered her off the bridge. Salvek turned away and sat in the Captain's chair, indicating that the conversation was over. "Come along now Mum," Simon said, taking her hand in his.

"I don't believe it. I thought it was all over and that we were going to be reunited." Sheila said, as Simon walked her into the turbolift.

"Guest quarters," Simon called to the lift. The turbolift moved into action, and Simon turned towards his mother, "What was I thinking allowing an unknown alien onboard? Now, we have not only my father and sister at risk, but one of my dearest friends and valuable officer too."

The lift stopped at their destination and Simon and Sheila headed down the corridor towards the quarters where James and Sheila were to stay. The doors opened with a whoosh. "Where is James?" Sheila asked, exasperated.

"Probably in Seven Forward on the pull and getting drunk."

Sheila started laughing at the sarcastic, yet accurate comment.

"Can you go find him for me?" Mrs. Biggs asked, in a sweet voice.

"OK Mum. As soon as I see what Commander Salvek needs. The computer is over there, so you can work with the bridge. Then get some rest, OK? You'll need it for what's ahead."

Simon left his mother's quarters and headed for the bridge to see what Commander Salvek had in mind.

Lt. Commander TC Blane
Chief of Operations
USS Independence NCC-90791


Lt. Simon Biggs
Security Officer
USS Independence NCC-90791


Commander Salvek
First Officer
USS Independence NCC-90791

Posts 201-565