Post 514: Dialogue

Stardate: 71022.1151
Title: Dialogue
Author: Fox Margolis
Scene: Bridge
Time: Following "Upon the Housetops, Part Two"

Fox had slipped on to the bridge before the recent pandemonium had broken out. It hadn't been out of a desire to be near the scene of the action or out of a desire to torment herself by being closer to Xander Corbinsky, who she had learned had been brought up to the bridge.

Actually, it was because her duty shift was due to start. And as soon as she arrived and saw that TC Blane was not present, she recognized that she was the ranking Ops officers, and it was her responsibility to keep the ship running smoothly and to keep everything coordinated, as that was the basic purpose of the Operations Department.

As she subconsciously moved her hands over the controls and kept track of the operations of the ship, she also paid attention to the chaos going on around her.

She had her first glance at the Yensuli leaders as they had a heated discussion with Zanh Liis, and Fox was not sure, given the tense tones of voice, who she pitied more. She was just glad that she was not on either receiving end.

Suddenly, Fox knew that someone was directly behind her and she immediately tensed, taking in a sharp breath.

"Relax, it's just me," a familiar voice said.

She didn't have to turn to face Corbinsky, as he leaned over her shoulder, tapped a few buttons, and glanced at the console. Fox looked down at the readings. Apparently, he was comparing the readings of the planet/moon taken from the science station with those readings that had just started coming up from the planet now that some communications were possible.

"You could have just asked me for those," she said, careful to indicate that her tone was playful and not wounded.

"And miss the chance to be so close to you."

"Flirt," she replied, an honest smile coming to her face.

"Tease," he casually said in return, intentionally avoiding eye contact as he moved back toward the science station .

Fox turned after him, her hands placed on her hips, and her head tilted, almost in a picture perfect pose. Somehow, despite the fact that nothing was solved, not for her or for the ship, she was back.

Shaking her head in a bemused fashion, Fox turned back to her console and continued with her work. However, she was paying enough attention to hear the ongoing argument between Zanh and the Yensuli delegation. Either that, or they were too intense to block out.

"This is completely unacceptable behavior!" Tegget exclaimed. "You have violated Yensuli integrity and honor."

"Integrity and honor!" Zanh shot back. "You were hiding an entire planet and had no intentions of disclosing the true nature of your society, or your intentions in joining the Federation." She thought back on the readings Jariel Camen had brought to her about the Yensuli people, and her blood boiled anew.

"A rational being," Tegget replied, clearly implying a rational ~male~ being, "would have respect for the culture and history of other peoples, as so clearly vaunted by the Federation that you claim to represent."

"A culture and a history that espouses theft and pitiable imitation."

It was not Zanh who spoke these words, but the only person in the room who was more arrogant and self-possessed that Tegget. Xander Corbinsky.

"Who do you think you are, telling me, the Proconsul of the Yensuli people," Tegget began, his voice rising in intensity as he spoke each word.

"The man who created the technology you stole," Corbinsky interrupted, his voice cold and hard. He stood tall, and his impressive stance towered over the other man. He then handed Zanh a datapad.

"So now it is not just your women who design to impugn the valor and ingenuity of my people," Tegget sneered. "But the matter still stands. You blew up our generator, and that is a flagrant violation of our territory."

While listening to the Proconsul blabber, Zanh looked at the information Corbinsky had given her. It was a schematic of the generator they had just destroyed. It provided a quick and simple explaining of the mechanics behind hiding the planet. And despite not having more evidence in her hand than this, Zanh knew that Corbinsky was being truthful; he had created the technology for this generator, as he had now twice stated. Whatever had been below was clearly a bastardized version of the schematics Corbinsky had just given her.

Waving the datapad in front of Tegget, Zanh stated, "That generator was never your property to begin with. You have no rightful grievances."

Trying to maintain some illusion of dignity and control, the Yensuli leader replied, "It appears we have nothing further to discuss. We will withdraw our application for the Federation. We will speak with the proper authorities in your government, and they will heed our grievances."

"I'm sorry, but it's just not that simple anymore. You have threatened a disabled Federation vessel on a planet in your system while intentionally concealing the fact from us that you knew they had crashed there. You will have to answer for that whether you withdraw your application or not."

"Captain," another voice interrupted. It was Fox. "There is a transmission from the planet. I think it is Commander Salvek."

Zanh was surprised, but a quick glance at Corbinsky confirmed that Salvek could be contacting them.

"We," Corbinsky casually replied, tilting his head back toward Micah Sampson and Rada Dengar, "fixed that problem a few minutes ago."

Turning away from everyone else on the bridge, Zanh turned to acknowledge the one person she had been trying to reach for days. "Open a channel."

"Channel open, Sir."

Lt. Faustine "Fox" Margolis
Operations Officer
USS Independence NCC-90791

Posts 201-565