Post 493: You Did What?

Title: You Did What?
Author: =/\= Zanh Liis
Scene: Ready Room, Bridge of the Independence
Time: Following "Home Field Advantage" but prior to "Into Focus"

Zanh Liis took a seat at the desk and leaned forward, resting her elbows on its surface and her chin against her hands. "So, Chief, what's the big secret?"

The Klingon sighed unhappily. "Lt. Margolis was involved in an attempt to compromise ship's security."

Zanh suddenly sat up straight once again. "Corbinsky?"

"Yes. But he is still in custody, Captain, no harm was done."

The Bajoran tapped her badge. "Zanh to Margolis. Ready room. Now."

[I'm on my way, Captain, Margolis out.] Came the reply, in a very small voice.

Zanh resumed her previous position, interlacing her fingers thoughtfully. "Start at the beginning, Chief, and tell me the whole story."

"Margolis paid a visit to Corbinsky last night and at some point, decided it would be a good idea to lower the force field holding him in his cell. However it appears that he did not even attempt to escape, and he actually tried to get me to believe he was the one who had disabled the field."

"Doesn't surprise me." Zanh replied, thinking *He's still determined to protect her, no matter what.* "Go on."

"Of course, I discovered immediately that the field had been tampered with and I rushed in, expecting to find him holding Margolis hostage, or that he would already have escaped. Neither was true. She was on her way out of the brig, and Corbinsky remained still, in his cell."

"What goes on in that head of his," Zanh said aloud, more to herself than to N'Dura. "I'm going to have to talk to him again very soon. So. What do you recommend from here?"

"Since no actual compromise of security took place, Captain, I told Lt. Margolis that I would report to you and let you decide if a formal reprimand would be placed on her record."

N'Dura looked at Zanh sideways. "Lt. Margolis has been. . ." she stopped, "What I mean to say is, I do not believe she intended to cause any harm to the ship or the crew by letting Corbinsky go. I believe that she could possibly benefit from counsel concerning this situation."

The door chime rang, and Zanh bid Margolis to enter. "Thank you, N'Dura, I will take that under advisement. Lieutenant Margolis, have a seat."

N'Dura nodded to Zanh, knowing she was dismissed, and disappeared after giving Fox a look that clearly wished her luck.

Margolis gulped, and sank slowly into the chair. She suddenly felt as if she were a child sitting in the Principle's office at school. She didn't quite know what to do next. Fortunately Zanh rose and spoke, relieving her of the need to find the right words to say.

"Lt. Margolis, I don't know you very well, and I am sorry about that fact." Zanh began to pace back and forth behind the desk. "That's a situation that will have to be remedied, as time goes on. Because I like to get to know my officers well, so that if they do something that makes me question their judgment, I know enough of their personality to weigh against their actions in making my decision as to what I should do next."

She considered Margolis a moment before continuing.

"I do know one thing about you, though, that I bet no other person on this ship does, save one who is currently taking up real estate in my brig. It's something you may not even realize."


"Yes. That thing being, that Xander Corbinsky would walk on fire through Hell itself to protect you." Zanh moved toward Margolis' side of the desk and sat down on the edge. "I make it a point to steer clear of the personal affairs of my crew whenever possible, because it's not my business unless and until it effects their ability to do their job. Or, until I am brought into it by other circumstances. That is what happened this time."

She sighed. "Corbinsky dragged me into this for reasons I still don't understand. That being the case, here I am, and I would like you to please listen carefully to what I'm about to say."

"Yes, Captain." Fox replied softly.

"Whether or not you call this affection that Dr. Corbinsky has for you love, or not, he does. Love can be a very motivating force." Zanh mumbled now under her breath, something that Fox thought resembled the words, "For good or bad."

She shook her head then continued. "The thing, is, Lieutenant, whether or not you've got all your feelings worked out for the man or not, you owe it to him to be honest with him. Even if all you can tell him is 'I don't know how I feel.' But you won't help him, or yourself, by working against my orders, and my orders were that Corbinsky remain in the brig until I decided it was time for him to get out. Are we clear on that?"

"Yes, Captain." Fox thought she knew for sure what was going to happen next. She steadied herself internally and reached toward her collar, prepared to remove one, maybe both, pips from her uniform. Zanh stopped her.

"You're lucky that he didn't get away," she said, gently removing Fox's hand from reach of the pins and then releasing it. "I know you've been through a lot lately. So I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt that this was a one-time episode of temporary insanity and we're going to forget that it happened."

Zanh moved away from the stunned Margolis and to the replicator, ordering a cup of coffee. She took a sip and then continued. "But that offer is good only under the condition that you go to visit either our acting ship's counselor or ship's chaplain, and talk about why you did what you did and why you are never going to do it again."

"Understood." Fox replied, making direct eye contact with Zanh for the first time since coming into the room. "Thank you, Captain. I give you my word that I will talk to Vedek Jariel."


"Yes, Sir. Today."

"You can go."

Fox rose. She started to say something more to Zanh, but the words died on her lips, and she simply nodded, turned around and walked away.

"I know it's difficult, Fox." Liis thought aloud, after Margolis had gone. "I know."

=/\= Zanh Liis
Acting Commanding Officer

Posts 201-565