Post 418: Save a Prayer

Title: Save a Prayer
Author: Lt. Grace
Scene: The Arboretum
Time: Concurrent with "Unplanned" (long before the party)

"The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all." ~The Emperor of China, in Disney's Mulan


Swaying gently to and fro on the two-seat swing that sat beneath the gazebo in the Arboretum, February watched as the morning rain cycle kicked on. She loved the sound of the water falling down onto the trees, and the plants. Even if this shower was artificially created, it still sparked her imagination and made her feel at home.

The familiar figure she'd come here to find hurried over toward her. Apparently Jariel had once again lost track of time after hearing the warning thunder sounds and got caught in the precipitation.

He dashed beneath the covering and February smiled as he shook the droplets from his cherubic dark curls and caught sight of her swinging there.

[[Good morning, Vedek Jariel.]]

[[What a happy surprise to see you, Bru.]] Jariel sat beside her. She looked so different than the last time he'd seen her, but it wasn't just her appearance that had changed overnight. It was something about her soul- or "pagh" as the Bajorans would say. Surely, he thought, anyone would be changed by as significant a life event as the zhian'tara.

[[It's sweet of you to say that, thank you.]]

He began to sign again then stopped, [[Wait. You can sign now?]]

"It seems that I can do several interesting things I didn't know how to do before the zhian'tara," February explained, reverting to spoken words now.

"I'm not sure which host it comes from yet, I'm still sorting all that out. But somebody knew Universal Sign." She stopped just short of telling him that she was actually certain it was Reece's influence that was responsible.

[[Are you returning to duty soon?]]

"Tomorrow morning. Half shifts for the rest of the week, then I'll attempt the real thing. It'll be so good to get back." He noticed a light in her eyes, and a lilt in her voice that was also new.

[[I'm so happy to see you smiling. It was becoming far too rare a sight.]]

"You are one of the special people I have to thank for that," February pulled a small velvet pouch from a bag she had with her.

"I could never thank you enough for all you've done for me, Vedek. Convincing the Commission to admit what had really happened to me," she paused, "getting those data files off of the planet. No gift could show you how much that all means. Still, I hope that you will like these."

He didn't feel right accepting a gift just for doing what he believed to be the right thing, and he shook his head.

[[Participating in your zhian'tara was a very unique experience and more than gift enough, February. I truly enjoyed meeting Sachal. Almost as much, I believe, as Sachal enjoyed meeting you. He seemed to really take a shine to you.]]

February blushed. "Naaaah." she insisted now with a gesture that he take the item she held. "Please accept it."

He opened the pouch and heard clicking sounds. Reaching in, he felt something round, and cool to the touch. He gently removed the strand of deep red beads. They were made of quartz, or a similar type of rock.

Each bead was heavy and highly polished to a finish smoother than silk. It wasn't a necklace, and he wondered what it was. It had an unusual symbol attached to it, and his curiosity was apparent.

"They're prayer beads." she explained, "They belonged to my grandmother. I remember how she'd hold them in her hands as she knelt beside her bed to give thanks every night," her eyes seemed far away as she added, "I didn't realize how much I missed her until just now."

[[You should keep these, Bru.]]

"No, my mind is made up. I want you to have them."

[[You know, you've already given me another very thoughtful gift, one that I am struck by every time I see it.]]

"Oh?" she was confused, "What's that?"

He touched each of his hands to his shoulders and then turned them outward and fluttered them gracefully, making the sign for the word "angel". Then he indicated the statue in the distance, and Bru's cheeks reddened even more.

"How did you know it was me?"

[[Who else could it have been? Knowing you as I now do, I realized it had to be you.]]

"I just wanted to do. . .something. But it was nothing. An insignificant gesture."

[[You did more with that 'insignificant gesture' than you'll ever know. It is a blessing to so many of us.]]

"I'm glad." She counted her blessings now, as they continued to rock back and forth on the swing. "I can't begin to imagine how blessed I am, these days."

[[February,]] Jariel broached a topic he didn't know if he should- yet he felt that he might regret it later if he didn't. [[Last night, I saw Dabin Reece outside your quarters.]]

February's smile morphed into one that could rival the Mona Lisa's for mystery. "Did you, now?"

[[Yes. I saw him go in, but he. . .how can I put this delicately,]]

"You didn't see him leave."


"Is it time for confession?" she wondered, unsure of what he was getting at. *Great job,* Grace thought at her loudly. *First time you've ever had an overnight guest in your life, February, and we get busted by the local clergy. Smooth.*

[[Oh, heavens no!]] he waved his arms to dismiss the thought. [[I am not meaning to pry. I am your friend, as well as the ship's Chaplain and I'm just concerned, because,]]

"You know how the Trill feel about Reassociation."

He touched the tip of his index finger to his nose and then pointed it back toward her.

"You've known Dabin Reece a long time, haven't you Jariel?"


"Then you know that he's a good man. An honorable man."

[[No doubt.]]

"Then if we love each other, and we're not hurting anyone else by our actions, why do we have to answer to imperfect men for the decisions we make? The Commission doesn't even claim any Divine blessing or guidance. They're a government agency, a business these days more than anything else. Why should Dabin and I have to be apart to satisfy their misguided, antiquated regulations?"

[[You don't have to. You can choose to disregard their sanctions, of course. But there will be repercussions whether you believe in their rules or not. What about your family? Your friends?]]

"My family gave up on me a long time ago, and my friends are here, on this ship. What more family do I need?" She looked him squarely in the eyes. "I know what you're thinking. That I'm confused, and it's all the zhian'tara and the struggles I've been through lately. But I promise you, Jariel, this is not that. I've waited all my life to find someone who looks at me the way that Dabin. . ." she stopped, and there was that Mona Lisa smile again.

"Haven't you ever loved someone so much that you just-" words failed, but they were not necessary.

Jariel nodded. In fact, he had, and still did.

[[You are certain that this is what you really want, then? Even if Reece and Grace are never given new hosts?]]

"I am." she replied without hesitation. "What's more, we both are. And Grace and Reece. . .honestly? They're all for it, come what may. The symbionts are as happy as the hosts are about all this."

He kissed her forehead gently. [[Then I'm happy for you. For both of you. All of you? How should I say that? With Trill I lose all sense of pronouns." The two friends shared a laugh, and a hug. "If you ever need to talk, either of you or both of you, about whatever consequences may result from your decision to Reassociate you know my ear is always available to you.]]

[[Thank you,]] she signed. He lowered his eyes to say she was welcome. February rose, knowing that she had to go. She had a few more gifts she wanted to deliver today. As she walked away he tapped the tip of his spade on the ground to get her attention once more.

[[Sachal would be so proud of you,]] he smiled, adding, [[I know that I am.]]

Lt. February Grace
Helm/Flight Controller
USS Independence NCC-90791

Posts 201-565