Post 442: Theurgic Manifestation

Stardate: 70917.0812
Subject: Theurgic Manifestation
Author: Lt. Cmdr. Maak
Scene: Bridge, USS Independence
Time: Concurrent with Alchemy's Arrival
Blane turned to Maak. "Orders?"

"The orders specify that the USS. . ." he paused, "Alchemy, be assigned as an auxiliary support vessel to the USS Independence."

Zanh tapped her fingertips impatiently against the helm of the new ship, which was dwarfed by the massive size of the Indy, and sighed as she repeated her earlier request. [Permission to dock, Mr. Blane?]

"Granted," TC replied at last. Lair Kellyn leaped out of her seat and hurried forward toward the viewscreen, preempting further comment on Blane's part as she addressed Salvek excitedly.

With his left hand, Maak opened the appropriate shielding to allow the little vessel through, and with his right hand he began to sequence simulated attacks on the newly acquired "Alchemy".

*Fast* Was the predominant thought as the Tac Officer began to ingest the data.

Out of the initial twenty-three combat scenarios, Maak obtained a firing solution only twice.

"This will take some work."

Blane turned.

"Eh? Mr. Maak?"

"Just thinking aloud Ops. Alchemy has a clear approach."

"Thank you Tac."

Maak smiled as he plotted new asymptomatic curves for torpedo intersections with a new target.

This was a good day.

Lt. Cmdr. Maak
Tactical Officer
USS Independence NCC-90791
Soulfleet Division
Star Fleet

Posts 201-565