Post 455: It's a Man's World. Literally. Part Two

Stardate: 70925.1600
Title: It's a Man's World. Literally. Part Two
Author: =/\= Zanh Liis
Scene: Ready Room: Independence
Time: Following Part One

"What about their social structure?" Blane inquired, "Family systems? Anything we need to be aware of there?"

"You know, it's strange. I have scanned most of this already and granted, my eyes are getting bleary. For a people who have been so quiet up until now, the Yensuli sure do like to share fun facts about their planet," she sipped the coffee again and sighed, thanking Blane with a glance once more for the beverage.

"For example, I can tell you that most of the population of Yensul IV lives in the Southern Hemisphere because it's so much warmer, and that they have considerable cometary activity in their region of space, which is something I wish I'd been able to tell Salvek before Alchemy left us in their dust. But I don't remember seeing anything in all of this about families or social structures. Let's check again, I must have missed it."

She inhaled and then let the breath out slowly. "Computer, scan currently displayed file and find any references to family structures or social groupings. Magnify and highlight relevant text."

One paragraph, out of the entire seventy-six page document, lit up.

"A-ha, here it is," she casually lifted the cup to her lips again and an instant later, choked.

She stood up, rising out of her chair. As Blane jumped up also and was about to ask if she needed aid, she pointed to the screen, tapping it.

She stepped away to regain her composure, and TC's eyes focused, reading the text she'd indicated. He saw immediately why she had reacted so strongly to it.

"Sons are the greatest asset of any people- and the Exalted Ruler has blessed our people with an abundance of male children. We take this as proof of His approval as we continue walking The Bright Path. We administrate our families with care, keeping females in their properly assigned place as we journey on in our quest to create a perfectly harmonious society." TC read aloud.

"Assigned place!" Zanh coughed as she finally caught her breath. "Why do I have a feeling that place is barefoot and pregnant?"

She thumped her head against the wall once. "We're heading toward an isolated, and apparently fiercely patriarchal society. I don't think they're expecting me to be in command of this ship. So get ready, Mr. Blane. Looks like we're in for some fireworks and I will rely on your help to contain them."

"Ready and willing." TC said, moving toward the door. "Anything else for now?"

"Shoot me and put me out of my misery?" She joked.

"Anything else for now?"

"Just, keep doing what you've been doing," Zanh said, alluding to the monitoring of the sensor changes that he'd put into place days ago, of which only he and she knew. He nodded.

"Aye, Sir."

The doors closed behind him and Zanh sank back into her chair and sighed again, continuing to read about the Yensuli.

"Poor Zanh Liis. What has Starfleet done to you this time? No one understands your trials and tribulations like I do."

Zanh spun in her chair. She tapped her badge to call for Security once again, but found it still didn't work.

"You can't possibly think that you understand the way my mind works, can you Corbinsky?" She snarled. "I just don't have time for this nonsense. Why don't you tell me what you want so we can get down to it, already?"

"Why can't you believe that I'm only here to offer my help? Help which, sadly, you do not even realize that you need yet." Corbinsky replied. He moved behind her once again, and placed his hands on her shoulders and squeezed, beginning to massage them. She pried them loose and jumped up and away from him. He continued, explaining further.

"You see, you've misplaced something Zanh Liis. Something very valuable to you. You just don't know it yet." His distress over the situation was a little too exaggerated to seem completely sincere. "But all is not lost. I can help you find it, because I know where it is. But you're going to have to realize the value of my help before I'll render you any aid."

"Enough with the riddles, Corbinsky! Tell me what you want from me!" Zanh was trying to stall him long enough for TC to get through the doors, knowing the silent alarm on the bridge must have tripped by now.

If Corbinsky figured out that they were on to him, he'd vanish, adjust his equipment accordingly next time and they'd be back at square one.

"The only thing I want is your love and admiration, Zanh Liis," Corbinsky grinned, putting his hand to his heart.

"The only thing you want is my operations officer Fox Margolis and I'm sorry, I don't deal in human trafficking. No matter what 'help' you want to offer in exchange." She'd finally said just about the only thing that could make Corbinsky really angry- she'd impugned his honor as a gentleman.

"That you believe I would ever need to force a woman to be in my company by resorting to kidnapping of that sort, Zanh Liis- that truly wounds me." He spat the words at her, leaning so close she could now smell the cologne that the sensors had detected in the room after his previous visit.

"You underestimate the value of my friendship. Perhaps I shouldn't pursue this any further. Perhaps I should wait, until you're truly desperate. Until-" Corbinsky looked up, suddenly realizing they were no longer alone in the room.

"Hello, gentlemen," he said, addressing the security detail, "and M'lady," he nodded to N'Dura, who pushed her way through from the back of the line, her phaser raised and pointed directly at his head.

=/\= Captain Zanh Liis
Acting Commanding Officer
USS Independence NCC-90791

Posts 201-565